Varanger offers you good opportunities to move outdoors. We encourage you to take a trip outdoors, no matter what the weather is like. Rough weather may often make your hike the most memorable one.The terrain is generally easy to hike in and quite a lot of it is untouched and beautiful wilderness for miles and miles. As a hiker, the flat and open landscape gives you a wonderful view of the wide horizon, including the large Varanger Fjord. Here you will find everything from flat plains to deep gorges – wet fenland to rivers abundant with fish. A hike in the Varanger peninsula is a great experience where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery while actively enjoying outdoor activities.During the summer you can fish and swim in rivers and lakes in the light of the midnight sun. During the autumn you can pick berries or mushrooms, or go hunting in the vividly autumn-colored landscape

The plateaus stretch as far as the eye can see. This is a land of blockfields, bogs and lush valleys. Varangerhalvøya National Park is partly situated in a low Arctic climate zone in a landscape that was formed before the last Ice Age. Varangerhalvøya offers many exciting hiking options. The Arctic landscape is suitable for both hiking and skiing. We have many excellent fishing rivers. It is important to be aware that the paths in the park are not marked, so you’ll need to be able to use a map and compass.


Aurora borealis in Varanger <3 We love it!
Photo: Odd Angell, Vadsø
#auroraborealis #auroraphotography #aurora #northernnorway #northernlights #varanger #varangermoment #varangerhalvøya #varangerfjorden #arcticnorway #greaterarctic #coastoflapland #coastofnorway

Varangerhalvøya / Várnjárga /Varenkinniemi offers its visitors an ancient landscape of Arctic tundra, boulder fields, rich wetlands and riparian valleys with rivers that run to the Varanger Fjord and Barents Sea. Read more here: https://varangerhalvoya.no/en/about-the-national-park/
Photo; ©Foto: Roger Ellingsen / Statens vegvesen
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Dont forget to live, love and play <3 #snowball #snow #winterfun #childrenoftheearth #liveloveplay
#peaceonearth #oneworld
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Wishing you sunshine, good times and a very happy Easter! ❤ #visitvaranger #visitnorway #explorearctic #lovelife #north #visitlapland #coastoflapland #greenbike #kickbike #marelius #icehouse #snow #eastern #arcticnorway #greaterarctic #varangermoments #vadsø #ekkerøy #vardø #smelror #beatavfinnmark #arcticyouth #kav ...

The story about Drakkar:

Long ago, in the northernmost parts of Norway, there lived a fierce Viking warrior named Ragnar. Ragnar was known throughout the land for his bravery in battle and his prowess as a shipbuilder.

One day, Ragnar decided to embark on a voyage to explore the waters of the Arctic Ocean. He commissioned his finest ship, a sleek and mighty drakkar, to be built and set out from his home port in Vardø.

As they sailed northward, Ragnar and his crew encountered many challenges, including treacherous ice floes, fierce storms, and attacks from rival clans. But they were undaunted and pressed on, determined to reach the furthest reaches of the Arctic.

Finally, after many long weeks at sea, they arrived at a desolate and icy shore, where they discovered a hidden cove teeming with exotic wildlife and abundant resources. They dubbed this new land "Island of the White Bear," and settled there, building a thriving village and trading outpost.

Ragnar`s drakkar became a legendary vessel, feared and respected throughout the region. Its imposing figure and fierce reputation made it a symbol of Viking strength and conquest.

And so, thanks to Ragnar`s daring expedition and the mighty drakkar that carried him, Vardø became a center of Norse power and exploration, and the story of the drakkar in Vardø lived on for generations to come.

#vikings #ragnar #drakkar #explore #visitvaranger Visit Varanger #varangerarcticnorway #greaterarctic #vikingstory #coastoflapland #visitlapland

Steilneset memorial, Vardø
Photo: Steinar Skaar, Statens vegvesen
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About us

Brand: Visit Varanger
Company: Greater Arctic Moment AS
Address: The Icehouse
Ørtangen 10A, NO-9800 Vadsø
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